The Philosophical Computer

Exploratory Essays in Philosophical Computer Modeling

Patrick Grim, Gary Mar, and Paul St. Denis
with the Group for Logic & Formal Semantics

forthcoming from MIT Press/Bradford Books
Please note that this is only a sample: only the introduction is activated here. To go to the publication page, click here.
Pop-up footnotes, color illustrations, and interactive animations are much like they are in the CDRom which comes with the book. The CDRom itself, however, uses a more sophisticated format.
  1. Chaos, Fractals, and the Semantics of Paradox
    1. From the Bivalent Liar to Dynamical Semantics
    2. The Simple Liar in Infinite-Valued Logic
    3. Some Quasi-Paradoxical Sentences
    4. The Chaotic and Logistic Liars
    5. Chaotic Dualists and Strange Attractors
    6. Fractals in the Semantics of Paradox
    7. The Triplist and Three-Dimensional Attractors
    8. Philosophical and Metalogical Applications
  2. Notes on Epistemic Dynamics
    1. Toward a Simple Model: Some Basic Concepts
    2. Self-Reference and Reputation: the Simplest Cases
    3. Epistemic Dynamics with Multiple Inputs
    4. Tangled Reference to Reputation
    5. Conclusion
  3. Fractal Images of Formal Systems
    1. The Example of Tic-tac-Toe
    2. 'Rug' Enumeration Images
    3. Tautology Fractals
    4. A Sierpinski Tautology Map
    5. Value Solids and Multi-Valued Logics
    6. Cellular Automata in Value Spaces
    7. Conclusion
  4. The Evolution of Generosity in a Hobbesian Model
    1. The Prisoner's Dilemma
    2. Classical Strategies in Iteration
    3. Generosity in an Imperfect World
    4. Spatialization of the Prisoner's Dilemma
    5. A Note on Some Deeper Strategies
    6. Greater Generosity in an Imperfect Spatial World
    7. Conclusion
  5. Real-Valued Game Theory: Real Life, Cooperative Chaos, and Discrimination
    1. Real Life
    2. Chaotic Currents in Real Life
    3. Real-Valued Prisoner's Dilemmas
    4. PAVLOV and Other Two-Dimensional Strategies
    5. Cooperative Chaos in Infinite-Valued logic
    6. The Problem of Discrimination
    7. Continuity in Cooperation, the Veil of Ignorance,' and Forgiveness
    8. Conclusion
  6. Computation and Undecidability in the Spatialized Prisoner's Dilemma
    1. Undecidability and the Prisoner's Dilemma
    2. Two Abstract Machines
    3. Computation and Undecidability in Competitive Cellular Automata
    4. Computation and Undecidability in the Spatialized Prisoner's Dilemma

    5. Appendix A: Competitive Strategies Adequate for a Minsky Register Machine Appendix B: An Algebraic Treatment for Competitive Strategies

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