Past Volumes
Volumes highlighted in bold contain articles which may be viewed on line. You can look at most of the articles for these volumes simply by clicking on their titles. You will not be able to download them as text files, however.
The Philosopher's Annual selections from the literature of 1978 -
- VOLUME XLI, from the literature of 2021:
- Patrick Grim, Abdulwausay Ansari, Margot Witte & Lianghua (Glenn) Zhou, Eds.
- Introduction
- Louis deRosset: Hollow Truth
from The Philosophical Review
- J. Dmitri Gallow: A Model-Invariant Theory of Causation
from The Philosophical Review
- Alan Hájek & Wlodek Rabinowicz: Degrees of Commensurability and the Repugnant Conclusion
from Noüs
- Thomas Hurka: Against ‘Good For’/‘Well-Being’, For ‘Simply Good’
from The Philosophical Quarterly
- Matthew Mandelkern: If P, Then P!
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Stephen Menn: Aristotle on the Many Senses of Being
from Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy
- Shyam Nair: ‘Adding Up’ Reasons: Lessons for Reductive and Nonreductive Approaches
from Ethics
- Theron PummerImpermissible Yet Praiseworthy
from Ethics
- Una Stojnić: Just Words: Intentions, Tolerance and Lexical Selection
from Philosophy & Phenomenological Research
- Monique Wonderly: Forgiving, Committing, and Un-forgiving
from Philosophy & Phenomenological Research
- VOLUME XL, from the literature of 2020:
- Patrick Grim, Abdulwausay Ansari, Ariana Peruzzi Sancio, Laura K. Soter, Eds.
- Introduction
- Zach Barnett: Why You Should Vote to Change the Outcome
from Philosophy & Public Affairs
Susanne Bobzien & Simon Shogry: Stoic Logic and Multiple Generality
from Philosophers' Imprint
Renée Jorgensen Bolinger: The Moral Grounds of Reasonably Mistaken Self-Defense
from Philosophy & Phenomenological Research
Christopher Fowles: The Heart of Flesh: Nietzsche on Affects and the Interpretation of the Body
from The Journal of the History of Philosophy
Jane Friedman: The Epistemic and the Zetetic
from The Philosophical Review
Waheed Hussain: Pitting People Against Each Other
from Philosophy & Public Affairs
Marc Lange: Putting Explanation Back Into ‘Inference to the Best Explanation’
from Noûs
C. Thi Nguyen & Bekka Williams: Moral Outrage Porn
from The Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy
Verónica Gómez Sánchez: Crystallized Regularities
from The Journal of Philosophy
Vida Yao: Grace and Alienation
from Philosophers' Imprint
- VOLUME XXXIX, from the literature of 2019:
- Patrick Grim, Calum McNamara, Laura K. Soter, Angela Sun, Eds.
- Introduction
- Brad Armendt: Causal Decision Theory and Decision Instability
from The Journal of Philosophy
Maegan Fairchild: The Barest Flutter of the Smallest Leaf: Understanding Material Plenitude
from The Philosophical Review
Øystein Linnebo & Stewart Shapiro: Actual and Potential Infinity
from Noûs
Jon McGinnis: A Continuation of Atomism: Shahrastānī on the Atom and Continuity
from The Journal of the History Philosophy
Jennifer M. Morton & Sarah K. Paul: Grit
from Ethics
Jessica Moss & Whitney Schwab: The Birth of Belief
from The Journal of the History of Philosophy
Sarah Moss: Full Belief and Loose Speech
from The Philosophical Review
C. Thi Nguyen: Games and the Art of Agency
from The Philosophical Review
Susanna Rinard: Equal Treatment for Belief
from Philosophical Studies
Anat Schechtman: Three Infinities in Early Modern Philosophy
from Mind
- VOLUME XXXVIII, from the literature of 2018:
- Patrick Grim, Eduardo Martinez, Angela Sun and Elise Woodard, Eds.
- Introduction
- Mark J. Alfano, J. Adam Carter & Marc Cheong: Technological Seduction and Self-Radicalization
from The Journal of the American Philosophical Association
- Jc Beall: The Simple Argument for Subclassical Logic
from Philosophical Issues
- Selim Berker: The Unity of Grounding
from Mind
- Guillermo Del Pinal: Meaning, Modulation, and Context: A Multidimensional Semantics for Truth-Conditional Pragmatics
from Linguistics & Philosophy
- Louise Hanson: Moral Realism, Aesthetic Realism, and the Asymmetry Claim
from Ethics
- Remco Heesen: When Journal Editors Play Favorites
from Philosophical Studies
- Matthias Jenny: Counterpossibles in Science: The Case of Relative Computability
from Noûs
- Dilip Ninan: Quantification and Epistemic Modality
from The Philosophical Review
- Amia Srinivasan: The Aptness of Anger
from The Journal of Political Philosophy
- Kenneth Walden: Practical Reason Not As Such
from The Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy
- VOLUME XXXVII, from the literature of 2017:
- Patrick Grim, Josh R. Hunt, Nicholas Serafin and Elise Woodard, Eds.
- Introduction
- Jeffrey A. Barrett & Brian Skyrms: Self-Assembling Games
from The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
- Liam Kofi Bright: On Fraud
from Philosophical Studies
- Lara Buchak: Taking Risks Behind the Veil of Ignorance
from Ethics
- David Enoch: Hypothetical Consent and the Value(s) of Autonomy
from Ethics
- Jane Friedman: Why Suspend Judging?
from Noûs
- Marko Malink: Aristotle on the Principles as Elements
from Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy
- Derek Parfit: Future People, the Non-Identity Problem, and Person-Affecting Principles
from Philosophy & Public Affairs
- Christopher Raymond: Shame and Virtue in Aristotle
from Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy
- Kim Sterelny & Ben Fraser: Evolution and Moral Realism
from The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
- Stephen J. White: On the Moral Objection to Coercion
from Philosophy & Public Affairs
- VOLUME XXXVI, from the literature of 2016:
- Patrick Grim, Boris Babic, Caroline Perry, & Joseph Shin, Eds.
- Introduction
- Luc Bovens: Selection Under Uncertainty: Affirmative Action at Shortlisting Stage
from Mind
- Fabrizio Cariani: Deontic Modals and Probabilities: One Theory to Rule Them All?
from Deontic Modality
- Shamik Dasgupta: Metaphysical Rationalism
from Noûs
- Cian Dorr: Against Counterfactual Miracles
from Philosophical Review
- Jacob Klein: The Stoic Argument from Oikeiōsis
from Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy
- Samuel Levey: The Paradox of Sufficient Reason
from Philosophical Review
- Anat Schechtman: Substance and Independence in Descartes
from Philosophical Review
- Jean-Luc Solère: The Coherence of Bayle's Theory of Toleration
from Journal of the History of Philosophy
- Una Stojnić: One’s Modus Ponens: Modality, Coherence and Logic
from Philosophy & Phenomenological Research
- Alex Voorhoeve & Marc Fleurbaey: Priority or Equality for Possible People?
from Ethics
- VOLUME XXXV, from the
literature of 2015:
- Patrick Grim, Boris Babic, Mara Bollard, & Patrick Shirreff, Eds.
- Introduction
- Andrew Bacon: Stalnaker's Thesis in Context
from The Review of Symbolic Logic
- John Bengson: The Intellectual Given
from Mind
- Chiara Cordelli: Justice as Fairness and Relational Resources
from The Journal of Political Philosophy
- Kenny Easwaran: Dr. Truthlove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and
Love Bayesian Probabilities
from Noûs
- Marko Malink: The Beginnings of Formal Logic: Deduction in Aristotle's
Topics vs. Prior Analytics
from Phronesis
- Victoria McGeer: Mind-Making Practices: The Social Infrastructure of Self-Knowing,
Agency and Responsibility
from Philosophical Explorations
- James Messina: Conceptual Analysis and the Essence of Space: Kant's
Metaphysical Exposition Revisited
from Archive für Geschichte der Philosophie
- Jeffrey Sandford Russell, John Hawthorne & Lara Buchak: Groupthink
from Philosophical Studies
- Charles Sebens: Quantum Mechanics as Classical Physics
from Philosophy of Science
- Michael G. Titelbaum: Rationality's Fixed Point (or: In Defense of Right Reason)
from Oxford Studies in Epistemology Volume 5
- VOLUME XXXIV, from the
literature of 2014:
- Patrick Grim, Sara Aronowitz, Zoe Johnson King, Nicholas Serafin, Eds.
- Introduction
- Saba Bazargan: Moral Coercion
from Philosophers' Imprint
- Justin Clarke-Doane: Moral Epistemology: The Mathematics Analogy
from Noûs
- Kenny Easwaran: Decision Theory Without Representation Theorems
from Philosophers' Imprint
- Hannes Leitgeb: A Lottery Paradox for Counterfactuals Without Agglomeration
from Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
- Conor Mayo-Wilson: The Limits of Piecemeal Causal Inference
from British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
- Christopher Menzel: Wide Sets, ZFCU, and the Iterative Conception
from Journal of Philosophy
- Samuel Newlands: Leibniz on Privations, Limitations, and the Metaphysics of Evil
from Journal of the History of Philosophy
- Anat Schechtman: Descartes's Argument for the Existence of the Idea of an Infinite Being
from Journal of the History of Philosophy
- Owen Ware: Kant on Moral Sensibility and Moral Motivation
from Journal of the History of Philosophy
- Timothy Williamson: Very Improbable Knowing
from Erkenntnis
- VOLUME XXXIII, from the
literature of 2013:
- Patrick Grim, Paul Boswell, Daniel Drucker & Sydney Keough, Eds.
- Introduction
- Robert Merrihew Adams:
Malebranche's Causal Concepts
in Eric Watkins, ed., The Divine order, the Human Order, and the Order of Nature: Historical Perspectives, Cambridge University Press
- Andrew Bacon:
Quantification Logic and Empty Names
from Philosophers' Imprint
- Jc Beall:
Free of Detachment: Logic, Rationality, and Gluts
from Noûs
- Michael Caie:
Rational Probabilistic Incoherence
from Philosophical Review
- Kit Fine:
Truth-Maker Semantics for Intuitionistic Logic
from Journal of Philosophical Logic
- Matthew Kotzen:
Multiple Studies and Evidential Defeat
from Noûs
- Marc Lange:
What Makes a Scientific Explanation Distinctively Mathematical?
from The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
- Frederick Neuhouser:
Rousseau's Critique of Economic Inequality
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Ian Phillips:
Afterimages and Sensation
from Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
- Lea Ypi:
What's Wrong with Colonialism
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- VOLUME XXXII, from the
literature of 2012:
- Patrick Grim, Chloe Armstrong, Patrick Shirreff & Nils-Hennes Stear, Eds.
- Introduction
- Michael Caie:
Belief and Indeterminacy
from The Philosophical Review
- Justin Clarke-Doane:
Morality and Mathematics: The Evolutionary Challenge
from Ethics
- David Enoch, Levi Spectre & Talia Fisher:
Statistical Evidence, Sensitivity, and the Legal Value of Knowledge
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Kit Fine:
Guide to Ground
in F. Correia & B. Schneider, eds., Metaphysical Grounding, Cambridge University Press
- Matthew Kotzen:
Dragging and Confirming
from The Philosophical Review
- Mark Malink & Jacob Rosen:
A Method of Modal Proof in Aristotle
from Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy
- Sarah Moss:
On the Pragmatics of Counterfactuals
from Noûs
- Jennifer Nagel:
Intuitions and Experiments: A Defense of the Case Method in Epistemology
from Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
- Huw Price:
Causation, Chance, and the Rational Significance of Supernatural Evidence
from The Philosophical Review
- Clinton Tolley:
The Generality of Kant's Transcendental Logic
from Journal of the History of Philosophy
- VOLUME XXXI, from the
literature of 2011:
- Patrick Grim, Chloe Armstrong, Billy Dunaway & Robin Zheng, Eds.
- Introduction
- Helen Beebee:
Necessary Connections and the Problem of Induction
from Nous
- Campbell Brown:
Consequentialize This
from Ethics
- John F. Horty:
Rules and Reasons in the Theory of Precedent
from Legal Theory
- Paul Katsafanas:
The Concept of Unified Agency in Nietzsche, Plato, and Schiller
from Journal of the History of Philosophy
- David Liebesman: Simple Generics
from Nous
- Wayne C. Myrvold: Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics:
A Maxwellian View
from Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
- Samir Okasha: Theory Choice and Social Choice: Kuhn vs. Arrow
from Mind
- Joshua Schechter: Rational Self Doubt and the Failure of Closure
from Philosophical Studies
- Mark Schroeder: Ought, Agents, and Actions
from Philosophical Review
- Jason Turner: Ontological Nihilism
in Karen Bennett & Dean Zimmerman (eds.), Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 6,
Oxford University Press
- VOLUME XXX, from the
literature of 2010:
- Patrick Grim, Billy Dunaway J. Dmitri Gallow & Alex Silk, Eds.
- Introduction
- Ned Block:
Attention and Mental Paint
from Philosophical Issues
- Rachel Briggs: Decision-Theoretic Paradoxes As Voting Paradoxes
from Philosophical Review
- Andrew Chignell: Real Repugnance and Belief About Things-in-Themselves:
A Problem and Kant's Three Solutions
in Benjamin Lipscomb and James Kreuger (eds.),Kant's Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality, De Gruyter
- Adam Elga: Subjective Probabilities Should Be Sharp
from Philosopher's Imprint
- Kit Fine: Towards a Theory of Part
from Journal of Philosophy
- Hannes Leitgeb & Richard Pettigrew: An Objective Justification of Bayesianism II:
The Consequences of Minimizing Innacurracy
from Philosophy of Science
- Greg Restall: On t and u and What They Can Do
from Analysis
- Jacob Ross: Sleeping Beauty, Countable Additivity, and Rational Dilemmas
from Philosophical Review
- Philippe Schlenker: Presuppositions and Local Contexts
from Mind
- Roger White: Evidential Symmetry and Mushy Credences
in Tamar Szabo Gendler & John Hawthorne (eds.), Oxford Studies in Epistemology 3,
Oxford University Press
- VOLUME XXIX, from the
literature of 2009:
- Patrick Grim, Nate Charlow, Dmitri Gallow & Warren Herold, Eds.
- Introduction
- Selim Berker: The Normative Insignificance of Neuroscience
from Philosophy & Public Affairs
- Rachel Briggs: Distorted Reflection
from Philosophical Review
- James Dreier: Relativism (and Expressivism) and the Problem of Disagreement
from Philosophical Perspectives
- Mark Lange: A Tale of Two Vectors
from Dialectica
- Jessica Moss: Akrasia and Pereptual Illusion
from Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie
- Jonathan Schaffer: On What Grounds What?
from David Manley, David J. Chalmers & Ryan Wasserman, eds., Metametaphysics: New Essays on the Foundations of Ontology, Oxford University Press
- Mark Schroeder: Hybrid Expressivism: Virtues and Vices
from Ethics
- Stuart Shapiro: We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident: But What Do We Mean By That?
from The Review of Symbolic Logic
- Elliott Sober: Absense of Evidence and Evidence of AbsenceEvidential Transitivity in Conncection with Fossils, Fishing, Fine-Tuning and Firing Squads
from Philosophical Studies
- John van Benthem, Patrick Girard & Oliver Roy: Everything Else Being Equal: A Modal Logic for Ceteris Paribus Preferences
from Journal of Philosophical Logic
- VOLUME XXVIII, from the
literature of 2008:
- Patrick Grim, Nate Charlow, Ian C. Flora & Lina Jansson, Eds.
- Introduction
- Fabrizio Cariano, Marc Pauly & Josh Snyder: Decision Framing in Jedgment Aggregation
from Synthese
- Thomas Forster: The Iterative Conception of Set
from Review of Symbolic Logic
- Tamar Gendler: Alief and Belief
from Journal of Philosophy
- Anthony Gillies & Kai von Fintel: CIA Leaks
from Philosophical Review
- Daniel Jacobson: Utilitarianism without Consequentialism: The Case of John Stuart Mill
from Philosophical Review
- Penelope Maddy: How Applied Mathematics Became Pure
from Review of Symbolic Logic
- Cheryl Misak: Experience, Narrative and Ethical Deliberation
from Ethics
- Augustin Rayo: Vague Representation
from Mind
- Mark Schroeder: How Expressivists Can and Should Solve their Problems with Negation
from Nous
- Michael Titelbaum: The Relevance of Self-Locating Beliefs
from Philosophical Review
- VOLUME XXVII, from the
literature of 2007:
- Patrick Grim, Ian C. Flora & Alexandra Plakias, Eds.
- Adam Elga: Reflection and Disagreement
from Nous
- Justin Fisher: Why Nothing Mental is Just in the Head
from Nous
- Michael N. Forster: Socrates' Profession of Ignorance
from Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 3
- Clark Glymour: When is a Brain Like a Planet?
from Philosophy of Science
- Sally Haslanger: But Mom, Crop Tops are Cute! Social Knowledge, Social Structure and Ideology Critique
from Philosophical Issues
- Thomas Hofweber: Innocent Statements and their Metaphysically Loaded Counterparts
from Philosopher's Imprint
- Nadeem Hussain: Honest Illusions: Valuing for Nietzsche's Free Spirits
from B. Leiter & N. Sinhababu, eds., Nietzsche and Morality, Oxford University Press
- Shaun Nichols & Joshua Knobe: Moral Responsibility and Determinism: The Cognitive Science of Folk Intuitions
from Nous
- Peter Vanderschraaf: Convenants and Reputations
from Synthese
- Seth Yalcin: Epistemic Modals
from Mind
- VOLUME XXVI, from the
literature of 2003:
- Michael Bratman: A Desire of One's Own
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Tyler Burge: Perceptual Entitlement
from Philosophy & Phenomenological Research
- Keith DeRose: Assertion, Knowledge and Context
from Philosophical Review
- Hartry Field: Causation in a Physical World
from Dean Zimmerman & Michael Loux, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Metaphysics, Oxford University Press
- Kit Fine: The Role of Variables
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Alan Hajek: Waging War on Pascal's Wager
from The Philosophical Review
- Christopher Hitchcock: Of Humean Bondage
from British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
- Robert N. Johnson: Virtue and Right
from Ethics
- Huw Price: Truth as Convenient Friction
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Timothy Williamson: Everything
from James E. Tomberlin, ed., Philosophical Perspectives 17: Language and Philosophical Linguistics, Blackwell
- VOLUME XXV, from the
literature of 2002:
- Nomy Arpaly: Moral Worth
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Ned Block: The Harder Problem of Consciousness
from The Journal of Philosophical Logic
- Michael Friedman: Kant, Kuhn and the Rationality of Science
from Philosophy of Science
also available: pdf version
- Hans Halvorson & Robert Clifton: No Place for Particles in Relativistic Quantum Theories?
from Philosophy of Science
pdf only
- John Hawthorne: Deeply Contingent A Priori Knowledge
from Philosophy & Phenomenologiocal Research
also available: pdf version
- Richard G. Heck, Jr.: Do Demonstratives Have Senses?
from Philosopher's Imprint
also available: pdf version
- Karen Jones: The Politics of Credibility
from Louise M. Antony & Charlotte E. Witt, eds., A Mind of One's Own: Feminist Essays on Reason and Objectivity, Westview Press
- Marc Lange: Who's Afraid of Ceteris-Paribus Laws? Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Them
from Erkenntnis
- Derk Pereboom: Robust Nonreductive Materialism
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Christopher F. Zurn: Deliberative Democracy and Constitutional Review
from Law & Philosophy
- VOLUME XXIV, from the
literature of 2001:
- Robert Bernasconi: Who Invented the Concept of Race?
from R. Bernasconi, ed., Race, Blackwell
- Hans Halvorson: On the Nature of Continuous Physical Qualities in Classical and Quantum Mechanics
from The Journal of Philosophical Logic
- Christopher Hitchcock: The Intransitivity of Causation Revealed in Equations and Graphs
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Ignacio Jané: Reflections on Skolem's Relativity of Set Theoretical Concepts
from Philosophia Mathematica
- Brian Leiter: Legal Realism and Legal Positivism Reconsidered
from Ethics
- Liam Murphy & Thomas Nagel: Taxes, Redistribution and Public Provision
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Joel Pust: Against Explationist Skepticism Regarding Philosophical Institutions
from Philosophical Studies
- Alison Simmons: Changing the Cartesian Mind: Leibniz on Sensation, Representation and Consciousness
from The Philosophical Review
- Jason Stanley & Timothy Williams: Knowing How
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Crispin Wright: On Being in a Quandry: Relativism, Vagueness, Logical Revisionism
from Mind
- VOLUME XXIII, from the
literature of 2000:
- Katalin Balog: Conceivability, Possibility and the Mind-Body Problem
from The Philosophical Review
(This article is best viewed with Windows Explorer. If viewed with another browser, some symbols may not be viewable.)
- Tyler Burge: Frege on Apriority
from Gohossian and Peacocke, eds., New Essays on the Apriori, Oxford University Press
- Cheshire Calhoun: The Virtue of Civility
from Philosophy & Public Affairs
- Sally Haslanger: Gender and Race: (What) Are They? (What) Do We Want Them To Be?
from Noûs
- Thomas Hofweber: Proof-Theoretic Reduction as a Philosopher's Tool
from Erkenntnis
- Philip Kitcher: Parfit's Puzzle
from Noûs
(This article is best viewed with Windows Explorer. If viewed with another browser, some symbols may not be viewable.)
- Charles G. Morgan: The Nature of Nonmonotonic Reasoning
from Minds and Machines
(This article is best viewed with Windows Explorer. If viewed with another browser, some symbols may not be viewable.)
- Thomas W. Pogge: On the Site of Deliberative Justice: Reflections on Cohen and Murphy
from Philosophy & Public Affairs
- James Pryor: The Skeptic and the Dogmatist
from Noûs
- Elliott Sober: Evolution and the Problem of Other Minds
from The Journal of Philosophy
- VOLUME XXII, from the
literature of 1999:
- Michael Friedman: Geometry, Construction and
Intuition in Kant and His Successors
from G. Scher and R. Tieszen, eds, Between Logic and Intuition: Essays in Honor
of Charles Parsons, Cambridge University Press
- Jüregen Habermas: From Kant to Hegel and Back Again
from European Journal of Philosophy
- Richard Holtom: Intention and Weakness of Will
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Kathrin Koslicki: The Semantics of Mass-Predicates
from Noûs
- Vann McGee: An Airtight Dutch Book
from Analysis
- Mohan Matthen: The Disunity of Color
from The Philosophical Review
- A. John Simmons: Justification and Legitimacy
from Ethics
- Roy Sorensen: Seeing Intersecting Eclipses
from The Journal of Philosophy
- J. David Velleman: Love as a Moral Emotion
from Ethics
- Keith Yandell: God and Other Agents in Hindu Philosophy
from Faith and Philosophy
- VOLUME XXI, from the
literature of 1998:
- Susan J. Brison: The Autonomy of Free Speech
from Ethics
- Tyler Burge: Reason and the First Person
from Cynthia McDonald, Barry C. Smith and Crispin Wright, eds., Knowing Our Minds: Essays on Self-Knowledge,
Oxford University Press
- Andy Clark and David Chalmers: The Extended Mind
from Analysis
- Clark Glymour: What Went Wrong? Reflections on Science by Observation
and The Bell Curve
from Philosophy of Science
- Robert Gooding-Williams: Race, Multiculturalism and Democracy
from Constellations
- Samuel Levey: Leibniz on Mathematics and the Actually Infinite Division of
from the Philosophical Review
- Lisa Shabel: Kant on the 'Symbolic Construction' of Mathematical Concepts
from Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
- Scott Soames: The Modal Argument: Wide Scope and Rigidified
from Noûs
- Judy Jarvis Thomson: The Statue and the Clay
from Noûs
- Christopher Woodard: Egalitarianism and Desert
from Imprints
- VOLUME XX, from the
literature of 1997:
- Robert Adams: Things in Themselves
from Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
- G.A. Cohen: Where the Action Is: On the Site of Distributive Justice
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Janice Daurio: Sidgwick on Moral Theories and Common Sense Morality
from the History of Philosophy Quarterly
- Jelle Gerbrandy and Willem Groeneveld: Reasoning about Information Change
from the Journal of Logic, Language, and Information
- Raymond Geuss: Nietzsche and Morality
from the European Journal of Philosophy
- Jean Hampton: The Wisdom of the Egoist: The Moral and Political Implications of Valuing the Self
from Social Philosophy and Policy
- David Lewis: Naming the Colors
from the Australasian Journal of Philosophy
- Derek Parfit: Reasons and Motivation
from the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
- Chris Swoyer: Complex Predicates and Conversion Principles
from Philosophical Studies
- Achille C. Varzi: Boundaries, Continuity, and Contact
from Noûs
- VOLUME XIX, from the literature of
- Kathleen Akins:
Of Sensory Systems and the 'Aboutness' of Mental States
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Patricia Blanchette:
Frege and Hilbert on Consistency
from The Journal of Philosophy
- James Bohman:
The Moral Costs of Political Pluralism:
The Dilemmas of Difference and Equality in Arendt's 'Reflections on Little Rock'
from Larry May and Jerome Kohn, eds., Hanna Arendt: Twenty Years Later, MIT Press, 1996
- Hilary Bok: Acting Without Choosing
from Noûs
- Ronald Dworkin:
Objectivity and Truth: You'd Better Believe It
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- David Lewis:
Elusive Knowledge
from the Australasian Journal of Philosophy
- John O'Leary-Hawthorne and J.A. Cover: Haecceitism and Anti-Haecceitism in Leibniz's
from Noûs
- Roy Sorensen:
Modal Bloopers: Why Believable
Impossibilities are Necessary
from the American Philosophical Quarterly
- J. David Velleman:
Self to Self
from The Philosophical Review
- Frank Veltman:
Defaults in Update Semantics
from The Journal of Philosophical Logic
- VOLUME XVIII, from the literature of
- Simon Blackburn: Practical Tortoise Raising
from Mind
- Ned Block: On a Confusion About a Function of Consciousness
from Behavioral and Brain Sciences
- Keith DeRose: Solving the Skeptical Problem
from The Philosophical Review
- John Andrew Fisher: Is There a Problem of Indiscernible Counterparts?
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Paul Guyer: The Possibility of the Categorical Imperative
from The Philosophical Review
- Valerie Gray Hardcastle: Philosophy of Psychology Meets the Semantic View
from D. Hull, M. Forbes, and R.M. Burian, eds., Philosophy of Science Association Proceedings 1994, East Lansing, Michigan, 1995
- Christopher Read Hitchcock: The Mishap at Reichenbach Fall: Singular vs. General Causation
from Philosophical Studies
- John F. Horty and Nuel Belnap: The Deliberative Stit: A Study of Action, Omission, Ability and Obligation
from The Journal of Philosophical Logic
- Jamie Tappenden: Extending Knowledge and 'Fruitful Concepts': Fregean Themes in the Foundations of Mathematics
from Noûs
- Leif Wenar: Political Liberalism: An Internal Critique
from Ethics
- VOLUME XVII, from the literature of
- Peter Achinstein: Jean Perrin and Molecular Reality
from Perspectives on Science
- Lynn Rudder Baker: Attitudes as Nonentities
from Philosophical Studies
- Jonathan Bennett: Descartes's Theory of Modality
from The Philosophical Review
- David O. Brink: Moral Conflict and its Sructure
from The Philosophical Review
- Walter Edelberg: Propositions, Circumstances, Objects
from The Journal of Philosophical Logic
- Kit Fine: Essence and Modality
from J. Tomberlin, ed., Philosophical Perspectives, 8, Logic and Language, 1994, Ridgeview Press, 1994
- Michael Friedman: Geometry, Convention, and the Relativized A Priori: Reichenbach, Schlick, and Carnap
from W. Salmon and G. Wolters, eds., Logic, Language, and the Structure of Scientific Theories, University of Pittsburgh/Universitätsverlag Konstanz, 1994
- Huw Price: A Neglected Route to Realism about Quantum Mechanics
from Mind
- Brian Skyrms: Sex and Justice
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Peter van Inwagen: Not by Confusion of Substance but by Unity of Person
from Alan Pagett, ed., Reason and the Christian Religion: Essays in Honor of Richard Swinburne, Clarendon Press, 1994
- VOLUME XVI, from the literature of
- Peter Clark: Logicism, The Continuum, and Anti-Realism
from Analysis
- Alan Donagan: Moral Dilemmas, Genuine and Spurious: A Comparative Anatomy
from Ethics
- Jeffrey C. King: Intentional Identity Generalized
from the Journal of Philosophical Logic
- Philip Kitcher: The Evolution of Human Altruism
from The Journal of Philosophy
- William E. Mann: Hope
from Eleanor Stump, ed., Reasoned Faith, Cornell University Press, 1993
- Martha C. Nussbaum: Equity and Mercy
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Brian Skyrms: Logical Atoms and Combinatorial Possibility
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Elliott Sober: Mathematics and Indispensability
from The Philosophical Review
- Barry Taylor: On Natural Properties in Metaphysics
from Mind
- Robert Van Gulick: Understanding the Phenomenal Mind: Are We All Just Armadillos?
from Martin Davies and G.W. Humphreys, eds., Consciousness, Blackwell, 1993
- VOLUME XV, from the literature of
- Cheshire Calhoun: Changing One's Heart
from Ethics
- Daniel C. Dennett and Marcel Kinsbourne: Time and the Observer: The Where and When of Consciousness in the Brain
from Behavioral and Brain Sciences
- Haim Gaifman: Pointers to Truth
from the Journal of Philosophy
- Shelly Kagan: The Structure of Normative Ethics
from Philosophical Perspectives
- Christine Korsgaard: Creating the Kingdom of Ends: Reciprocity and Responsibility in Personal Relations
from Philosophical Perspectives
- Patrick Maher: Diachronic Rationality
from Philosophy of Science
- Sarah Stebbins: A Minimal Theory of Truth
from Philosophical Studies
- J. David Velleman: The Guise of the Good
from Noûs
- Mark Wilson: Frege: The Royal Road from Geometry
from Noûs
- Stephen Yablo: Mental Causation
from The Philosophical Review
- VOLUME XIV, from the literature of
- Elizabeth S. Anderson: John Stuart Mill and Experiments in Living
from Ethics
- Anthony Cunningham: Liberalism, Egalite, Fraternite?
from the Journal of Philosophical Research
- Hartry Field: Metalogic and Modality
from Philosophical Studies
- Jeroen Groenendijk and Martin Stokhof: Dynamic Predicate Logic
from Linguistics and Philosophy
- John F. Halpin: What is the Logical Form of Probability Assignment in Quantum Mechanics?
from Philosophy of Science
- Barbara Herman: Agency, Attachment, and Difference
from Ethics
- Larry Laudan and Jarrett Leplin: Empirical Equivalence and Underdetermination
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Deborah Mayo: Novel Evidence and Severe Tests
from Philosophy of Science
- Elijah Millgram: Harman's Hardness Arguments
from the Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
- Paul E. Oppenheimer and Edward N. Zalta: On the Logic of the Ontological Argument
from James Tomberlin, ed., Philosophical Perspectives, 5, Philosophy of Religion, 1991, Ridgeview Publishing Company, 1991
- VOLUME XIII, from the literature of
- Ned Block: Can the Mind Change the World?
from George Boolos, ed., Meaning and Method: Essays in Honor of Hilary Putnam, Cambridge University Press, 1990
- John Carroll: The Humean Tradition
from The Philosophical Review
- Donald Davidson: The Structure and Content of Truth
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Rae Langton: Whose Right? Ronald Dworkin, Women and Pornographers
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Stephen Neale: Descriptive Pronouns and Donkey Anaphora
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Henry S. Richardson: Specifying Norms as a Way to Resolve Concrete Ethical Problems
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- John Searle: Is the Brain a Digital Computer?
from Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association
- Ernest Sosa: Surviving Matters
from Noûs
- James Van Cleve: Supervenience and Closure
from Philosophical Studies
- Peter van Inwagen: Four-Dimensional Objects
from Noûs
- VOLUME XII, from the literature of
- C. Anthony Anderson: Russellian Intensional Logic
from Joseph Almog, John Perry, and Howard Wettstein, eds., Themes from Kaplan, Oxford University Press, 1989
- Mark Crimmins and John Perry: The Prince and the Phone Booth: Reporting Puzzling Beliefs
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Anil Gupta: Remarks on Definition and the Concept of Truth
from the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
- John Haugeland: The Intentionality All-Stars
from James E. Tomberlin, ed., Philosophical Perspectives, 4: Action Theory and Philosophy of Mind, Ridgeview Press, 1989
- Edwin C. Hettinger: Justifying Intellectual Property
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Peter Railton: Explanation and Metaphysical Controversy
from Philip Kitcher and Wesley C. Salmon, eds., Scientific Explanation, vol. XIII of Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, University of Minnesota Press, 1989
- John Rawls: Themes in Kant's Moral Philosophy
from Eckert Forster, ed., Kant's Transcendental Deductions, Stanford University Press, 1989
- Jean Roberts: Political Animals in the Nicomachean Ethics
from Phronesis
- Teddy Seidenfeld, Joseph B. Kadane, and Mark J. Schervish:
On the Shared Preferences of Two Bayesian Decision Makers
from The Journal of Philosophy
- George Sher: Three Grades of Social Involvement
from Philosophsy and Public Affairs
- VOLUME XI, from the literature of 1988:
- Jonathan Bennett: Farewell to the Phlogiston Theory of Conditionals
from Mind
- John Bigelow, Brian Ellis, and Robert Pargetter: Forces
from Philosophy of Science
- Alonzo Church: A Remark Concerning Quine's Paradox About Modality
from Nathan Salmon and Scott Soames, eds., Propositions and Attitudes, Oxford University Press, 1988
- William Lane Craig: Tachyons, Time Travel and Divine Omniscience
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Eli Hirsch: Rules for a Good Language
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Will Kymlicka: Liberalism and Communitarianism
from the Canadian Journal of Philosophy
- David Lewis: Desire as Belief
from Mind
- Scott Soames: Semantics and Semantic Competence
from James E. Tomberlin, ed., Philosophical Perspectives, 3, Philosophy of Mind and Action Theory, Ridgeview Press, 1989, and from Stephen Schiffer and Susan Steele,
Cognition and Representation, Westview Press, 1988
- Elliot Sober: The Principle of the Common Cause
from James H. Fetzer, ed., Probability and Causality, D. Reidel, 1988
- Laurance J. Splitter: Species and Identity
from Philosophy of Science
- VOLUME X, from the literature of 1987:
- Allen Buchanan: Justice and Charity
from Ethics
- Michael Friedman: Carnap's Aufbau Reconsidered
from Noûs
- Terence Horgan: Supervenient Qualia
from The Philosophical Review
- Philip Kitcher and Wesley Salmon: Van Fraassen on Explanation
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Christopher Menzel: Theism, Platonism, and the Metaphysics of Mathematics
from Faith and Philosophy
- Thomas Nagel: Moral Conflict and Political Legitimacy
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- John L. Pollack: Defeasible Reasoning
from Congnitive Science
- John Searle: Indeterminacy, Empiricism, and the First Person
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Ernest Sosa: Serious Philosophy and Freedom of Spirit
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Stephen Yablo: Identity, Essence, and Indiscernibility
from The Journal of Philosophy
- VOLUME IX, from the literature of 1986:
- Tyler Burge: Intellectual Norms and Foundations of Mind
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Linda Burns: Vagueness and Coherence
from Synthese
- Michael Friedman: The Metaphysical Foundations of Newtonian Science
from R.E. Butts, ed., Kant's Philosophy of Physical Science, Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1986
- John Kekes: Moral Intuition
from the American Philosophical Quarterly
- Ruth Garrett Millikan: Metaphysical Anti-Realism?
from Mind
- Alan Nelson: New Individualistic Foundations for Economics
from Noûs
- Philip Pettit: Free Riding and Foul Dealing
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Philip L. Quinn: Christian Atonement and Kantian Justification
from Faith and Philosophy
- Peter Railton: Moral Realism
from The Philosophical Review
- Eleonore Stump: Dante's Hell, Aquinas's Moral Theory, and the Love of God
from the Canadian Journal of Philosophy
- VOLUME VIII, from the literature of
- Robert Merrihew Adams: Involuntary Sins
from The Philosophical Review
- Arthur E. Falk: Ifs and Newcombs
from the Canadian Journal of Philosophy
- Kit Fine: Natural Deduction and Arbitrary Objects
from the Journal of Philosophical Logic
- Michael Friedman: Kant's Theory of Geometry
from The Philosophical Review
- Tamara Horowitz: A Priori Truth
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Frances Myrna Kamm: Supererogation and Obligation
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Patricia Kitcher: Narrow Taxonomy and Wide Functionalism
from Philosophy of Science
- Adrian M.S. Piper: Two Conceptions of the Self
from Philosophical Studies
- Thomas G. Ricketts: Frege, the Tractatus, and the Logocentric Predicament
from Noûs
- Scott Soames: Lost Innocence
from Linguistics and Philosophy
- VOLUME VII, from the literature of
- George Boolos: To Be Is To Be The Value Of a Variable (Or To Be Some Values Of Some Variables)
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Robert Brandom: Reference Explained Away
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Jerry Fodor: Observation Reconsidered
from Philosophy of Science
- Frank Jackson: Weakness of Will
from Mind
- R. Kane: The Modal Ontological Argument
from Mind
- Philip Kitcher: 1953 And All That. A Tale Of Two Sciences
from The Philosophical Review
- Warren Quinn: Abortion: Identity And Loss
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Peter Railton: Alienation, Consequentialism, and the Demands of Morality
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Judith Jarvis Thomson: Remarks on Causation and Liability
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Bas van Fraassen: Belief and the Will
from The Journal of Philosophy
- VOLUME VI, from the literature of 1983:
- E.J. Altham: Ethics of Risk
from The Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
- Ned Block: Mental Pictures and Cognitive Science
from The Philosophical Review
- John Dupré: The Disunity of Science
from Mind
- Philippa Foot: Moral Realism and Moral Dilemma
from The Journal of Philosophy
- David Lewis: New Work for a Theory of Universals
from the Australasian Journal of Philosophy
- Alexander Nehamas: How One Becomes What One Is
from The Philosophical Review
- Joseph Owens: Functionalism and Propositional Attitudes
from Noûs
- T.M. Rudavsky: Divine Omniscience and Future Contingents in Gersonides
from The Journal of the History of Philosophy
- Cheyney C. Ryan: Self-Defense, Pacifism, and the Possibility of Killing
from Ethics
- Holly Smith: Culpable Ignorance
from The Philosophical Review
- VOLUME V, from the literature of 1982:
- Robert M. Adams: Actualism and Thisness
from Synthese
- Michael R. Ayers: Locke Versus Aristotle on Natural Kinds
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Jon Barwise: Scenes and Other Situations
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Ronald Dworkin: What is Equality? Part 2: Equality of Resources
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- William Freedman: The Relevance of the Truth-Standard
from The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
- Terence Horgan: Counterfactuals and Newcomb's Problem
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Timothy McCarthy: The Idea of a Logical Constant
from The Journal of Philosophy
- John R. Searle: Analytic Philosophy and Mental Phenomena
from Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling and Howard K. Wettstein, eds., The Foundations of Analytic Philosophy,
Midwest Studies in Philosophy, vol.6, 1981
- Jane Singleton: Moral Theories and Tests of Adequacy
from The Philosophical Quarterly
- W.W. Tait: Finitism
from The Journal of Philosophy
- VOLUME IV, from the literature of 1981:
- Patricia Smith Churchland: A Perspective on Mind-Brain Research
from The Journal of Philosophy
- S. Davies: The Expression of Emotion in Music
from Mind
- Joel Feinberg: Legal Moralism and Freefloating Evils
from the Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
- Peter Hylton: Russell's Substitutional Theory
from Synthese
- Philip Kitcher: A Priori Knowledge
from Philosophical
- Ruth Barcan Marcus: Moral Dilemmas and Consistency
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Thomas Carson Mark: On Works of Virtuosity
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Ilkka Niiniluoto: Scientific Progress
from Synthese
- Hilary Putnam: Models and Reality
from The Journal of Symbolic Logic
- Sydney Shoemaker: Causality and Properties
from Peter van Inwagen, ed., Time and Cause, Reidel, 1980
- VOLUME III, from the literature of 1980:
- Robert Merrihew Adams: Primitive Thisness and Primitive Identity
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Arthur W. Collins: Could Our Beliefs Be Representations in Our Brains?
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Ian Hacking: What is Logic?
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Stephen Leeds: Semantic Primitives and Learnability
from Logique et Analyse
- David Lewis: Attitudes De Dicto and De Se
from The Philosophical Review
- Graham Nerlich: Is Curvature Intrinsic to Physical Space?
from Philosophy of Science
- Derek Parfit: Is Common-Sense Morality Self-Defeating?
from The Journal of Philosophy
- John Perry: The Problem of the Essential Indexical
from Noûs
- John Searle: What Is an Intentional State?
from Mind
- A. John Simmons: The Principle of Fair Play
from Philosophy and Public Affairs
- VOLUME II, from the literature of 1979:
- Peter Achinstein: Concepts of Evidence
from Mind
- Daniel C. Dennett: Why You Can't Make a Computer That Feels Pain
from Synthese
- Jane English: Partial Interpretation and Meaning Change
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Montgomery Furth: Transtemporal Stability in Aristotelian Substances
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Jane Heal: On the Phrase 'Theory Meaning'
from Mind
- Philip Kitcher: Theories, Theorists, and Theoretical Change
from The Philosophical Review
- John R. Searle: Literal Meaning
from Erkenntis
- Robert K. Shope: The Conditional Fallacy in Contemporary Philosophy
from The Journal of Philosophy
- Kendall L. Walton: Fearing Fictions
from The Journal of Philosophy
- A.D. Woozley: Negligence and Ignorance
from The Royal Institute of Philosophy
- VOLUME I, from the literature of 1978:
- Peter Achinstein: Function Statements
from Philosophy of Science
- J.P. Day: Fairness and Fortune
from Ratio
- Philippa Foot: Euthanasia
from Philosophy and Public Affiars
- Clark Glymour: The Epistemology of Geometry
from Noûs
- H.W. Noonan: An Argument of Aristotle on Non-Contradiction
from Analysis
- Abner Shimony: Is Oberservation Theory-Laden? A Problem in Naturalistic Epistemology
from the University of Pittsburgh Press
- Peter Unger: The Uniqueness in Causation
from the American Philosophical Quarterly
- Alan R. White: Knowledge Without Conviction
from Mind
- Crispin Wright and Aidan Sudbury: The Paradox of the Unexpected Examination
from the Australasian Journal of Philosophy
- Paul Ziff: About Proper Names
from Mind