'Rug' Enumeration images
We begin with an extremely simple formal system, for which we will
construct several different forms of images. The system at issue is
propositional logic, made even simpler by restricting it to a single
sentence letter p. In order to make things simpler still, we use a single
connective: either the Sheffer stroke | , which can be read as NAND, or the
, which can be read as NOR. As is well known,
either NAND or NOR
suffices as a complete base for all Boolean connectives.
Our goal, then, is to construct an image of truth-values for all formulae
expressible in terms only of p and | or
The values at
issue are merely
four, equivalent to p, ~p (p|p or p
p) tautology
or contradiction
. In
Figures 4 through 8 we use the following colors for these values: green for p,
blue for ~p, red for tautologies and dark blue for contradictions.
Let us start with a simple 'rug' pattern with an enumeration of all
formulae expressible in terms of our single sentence-letter and single
connective. For a first enumeration we represent
the plan of the rug is laid out
schematically as follows (Figure 3)2.
Figure 3.
Here formula 1 is p p, formed by a single stroke between the formula
heading its row and the formula at the top of its column. That formula,
now simply labelled '1', is then placed in the second position along each
axis. Formula 2 is formed as a 'slash product' of the formula heading its
row and its column -- in the form (row column) -- in the same way. Formula
2 is thus (p|1) or (p|(p|p)). Formula 2 is added as the third formula on
each axis. Formula 3 is ((p|p)|p), formula 4 is (p|(p|(p|p))), formula 5
is ((p|p)|(p|p)), formula 6 is ((p|(p|p))|p), and so forth. The pattern
continues to generate progressively longer formulae, constituting in the
abstract an infinite partial plane extending to the bottom and right and
containing all formulae of our simple single- sentence-letter form of
propositional calculus.
In Figure 4 the schema is shown in shades of color. Squares correspond
directly to the formulae indicated in the schematic sketch above, including
formulae along the axes, and are colored in terms of their values: as
noted, green = p or equivalent formulae, light blue = p|p or ~p, red
represents tautologies
and dark blue represents
. The first
graph in Figure 4 is a smaller fragment of the upper left corner of the
rug, with the values of formulae indicated on axes as well. The second
image in Figure 4 shows a larger section, incorporating the first.
Fig. 4
Here a number of systematic features are immediately evident. The first is
that the images in Figure 4 are symmetric, reflecting the fact that (x|y) has
the same value as (y|x) for any formulae x and y. The 'stripes' in the rug
are also obvious, reflecting the fact that both(
| x) and (x |
) will be tautologous
for any x: once any formula on either axis has the value , any formula
composed from it with a single stroke will have the value . Closer
attention shows that rows in which the value of the formula at the top is
will simply reflect the value of the formulae on the column axis, with the
same true for columns with the value and the formulae listed along the top.
Fig. 5
Figure 5 shows the rug pattern created from the same enumeration of
formulae but in which the Sheffer stroke | is replaced with the NOR
. Side by side, Figures 4 and 5 also serve to
make obvious
certain relationships between these two connectives: the fact that a
contradiction on either side of the stroke gives us a tautology, for
example, whereas a tautology on either side of the dagger gives us a
contradiction. It is clear that dagger tautologies mirror Sheffer stroke
contradictions, with dagger contradictions corresponding to Sheffer
tautologies. For simple systems with a single sentence letter, moreover,
the values of all contingent formulae in each system are the same. In none
of these cases do our images offer genuinely new information regarding the
stroke and dagger, of course--all the facts indicated are well known--
though these patterns do make such features vividly evident.

Fig. 6
Figures 7 and 8 show a rug pattern using a different enumeration of
formulae, following the alternative schematic in Figure 6.

Fig. 7 NAND using square enumeration

Fig. 8 NOR using square enumeration
Nothing, it should be noted, dictates any particular form for enumeration
in such a display; nothing dictates the diagonal enumeration of Figure 3
over the square enumeration of figure 6, for example, nor either of these
over any of the infinite alternatives. There is therefore an ineliminable
arbitrariness to the choice of any particular rug pattern for a formal
system. It is also clear, however, that certain properties of
patterns--including those noted above--will appear regardless of the
pattern of enumeration chosen. Pattern-properties invariant under
enumeration can be expected to correspond to deep or basic properties of
the system.
The rug patterns sketched above are for an extremely simple form of
propositional calculus, explicitly restricted to just one sentence letter.
Can such an approach be extended to include systems with additional
sentence letters as well?
Of course. One way of extending the enumeration schemata above so as to
include two sentence letters rather than one is simply to begin with the
two sentence letters on each axis. In all other regards enumeration can
proceed as before (Figure 9):

Fig. 9
With two sentence letters, of course, four colors will no longer suffice
for values of tautologies, contradictions, and all possible shades of
contingency. For a system with both p and q we will require 16 colors in
all, corresponding to the sixteen possible truth tables composed of four
lines, or equivalently the sixteen binaries composed of four digits.
Complete color shade patterns--employing a complete palette of
contingencies--are shown for propositional calculus with p and q in Figure
10. These represent NAND and NOR with our initial diagonal enumeration
scheme. Corresponding illustrations in terms of our second mode of
enumeration appear as Figure 11. It is interesting to note that although a
number of the characteristics marked with respect to propositional calculus
with a single sentence letter above still hold, one does not: here it is no
longer true that contingent values match between NAND and NOR versions.
That property, though provable for propositional calculus with a single
sentence letter, disappears in richer systems.
Fig. 10

Fig. 11
In both of these illustrations the number of colors at issue becomes even
more bewildering in larger sections of the display. In Figures 12 and 13
we have compensated for this difficulty by eliminating all colors for
various contingencies in a larger array, leaving only magenta for tautologies
and cyan for contradictions. Figure 12 shows NAND and NOR for our first
pattern of enumeration; Figure 13 shows NAND and NOR for the second.

Fig. 12

Fig. 13
In theory any finite number of sentence letters can be added at the
beginning of an array in the manner of the enumerations in Figure 9. For n
sentence letters, however, the number of colors required to cover all
contingencies is 2 raised to 2n colors. At three
variables, therefore, we
have already hit 28 or 256 contingency colors. At
four variables we hit
In theory the full countable set of sentence letters required for standard
propositional calculus might also be introduced along the axes, simply by
adding an additional sentence letter at some regular interval (Fig. 14).
Because the standard propositional calculus is limited to finite
connectives, we would here require countably many contingency colors as
Fig. 14
Similar representations of formal systems are possible, beyond
propositional calculus, for predicate calculus as well. One way of mapping
a form of predicate calculus with multiple quantifiers but limited to
monadic predicates, for example, would be the following. In a first grid
we enumerate all combinations of n-place predicates and variables, giving
us Fx, Fy, Fz, ... Gx, gy, Gz., ... These we can think of as a series of
propositional functions P1, P2, P3, ..., which can be introduced into a
grid for full propositional logic simply by placing them between our
progressively introduced sentence letters--p, P1, q, P2, r, P3... -- in an
expansion of an enumeration pattern such as that outlined in Figure 14.
Quantification over formulae in variables x, y, z... might then be
introduced by adding spaced occurrences for
z along just one axis.
Here the application of a lone quantifier to formulae in its row could be
interpreted as a universal quantification in that variable over that
formula. All other intersections would be interpreted as before, in terms
for example of the Sheffer stroke (Figure 15). Since existential
quantification can be expressed in terms of universal quantification and
negation, and the latter can be expressed by the Sheffer stroke in familiar
ways, such a schema will include all wffs of predicate calculus involving
only monadic predicate letters, together with all corresponding
propositional formulae. In assigning values to such a grid, a special
'formula value' would have to be reserved for mere propositional formulae,
representing the fact that they fall short of full formal sentences capable
of truth values.
This illustration has been limited to monadic predicates simply because the
scheme becomes so complicated so quickly even in that case. A
representation of the full propositional calculus would demand only the
further complication that we include all n-valued Predicate letters paired
with n-tuplets of our variables. These can be generated in separate grids
first so as to form a single enumeration, then introduced into the main
grid in the position of P1, P2, P3... (Figure 15).

Fig. 15
On seeing a dog walk on two legs, Abraham Lincoln is reputed to have said,
"The amazing thing is not that he does it well but that the thing can be
done at all." In something of the same spirit, the purpose of outlining the
schema above is simply to show that the thing can be done at all: that the
full predicate calculus can be envisaged in the form of a grid of logical
values of this kind. In even the simple case of propositional logic with a
single sentence letter, however, we remarked on the artificiality
introduced by arbitrary choices of enumeration for wffs. In the schema
outlined for propositional calculus this artificiality is magnified many
times over--by repeated arbitrary choices regarding forms of enumeration
within a grid, by choices of how to incorporate different infinite classes
of formulae on the axes, and by choices of how to incorporate
quantification into the grid. The end product does succeed in showing that
the thing can be done. But it should not be expected, we think, to give
any particularly perspicuous view of the theorems of the calculus.
If we return for a moment to the simple form of propositional calculus with
which we began, restricted to a single sentence letter, it should be clear
that either of the enumerations offered above will generate progressively
longer wffs. It is not true, of course, that the length of wffs within
such an enumeration increases monotonically; formula 10 in our original
enumeration is shorter than formula 9, for example. Along the diagonal of
either schema, however, formulae do increase in size with each step.

Fig. 16
How does such an enumeration look if we graph our formulae sequentially in
terms of length with colors assigned for value? The beginning of such a
result, using NAND and our first enumeration, is shown in the progressive
panels of Figure 16. Colors used are the same as those in the rug patterns
above except that tautologies are indicated in white with horizontal cross-
hatching so that height will be visible. In the program used for
generating this image, one can continue to flip through progressively
longer wffs, with no apparent repeat of color patterns.
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